
Questões por página:
When it comes to word formation, a prefix is an affix which is placed before a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. Some prefixes are used to convey a “negative meaning”. That being said, check the answer whose prefix was not used to convey a negative meaning.
Which word does not have the correct prefix? Choose the INCORRECT answer
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Choose the alternative where all words are formed by the AFFIXATION PROCESS.
Leia o excerto: “Nikola Tesla was an engineer and scientist known for designing the alternating-current (AC) electric system”, observe a formação -ING em ‘designing’. Agora assinale a alternativa que a explique corretamente.
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Leia o texto e encontre a palavra ‘engineer’, importa destacar que ela é formada por um sufixo -er. Agora assinale a alternativa em que o sufixo -er não tenha a mesma função da palavra em foco.